Aug 2, 2016

Here again

Assalamualaikum wonderful people! ;)

Today, i decided to start blogging again after so many years. It took me quite sometimes to start blogging again because i've been editing my blog before this. So yeah, this is the result :D Biasa je, tapi i like it ! Plus sekarang macam dah tak reti nak edit blog sebab lama gila dah tinggal and banyak bende baru so quite challenging nak edit dan start balik daripada mula hehe And i must say, its quite dull without those whatsapp emoji T_T    

So heres for a fresh start ! ;)

Dec 13, 2012

truth ,


via SECRETSOFABULLY (typo-doodle blog)

fact about life :

1. nothing is easy.

2. everything is difficult .

Dec 4, 2012

thats how it was done

yellow ! ;)
i found this video.bes jugak tpi geli pun ada sikit.sapa2 rasa berani nak tengok,tengok la.tapi kalau tak tahan jangan tengok , takot nanti muntah atas laptop / pc etc susah ite :p